Alcohol Assessment and Treatment
San Antonio, Laredo, and Corpus Christi DWI Defense Lawyers explain a potential consequence of a DWI conviction.
Alcohol education and treatment/assessment programs for DWI offenders may be a condition of sentencing. Such programs often mean that a DWI offender can avoid jail time, a license suspension and/or payment of large fines. The offender must complete the program which can also include an assessment of potential dependency problems. In some cases a DWI conviction may uncover an addiction problem requiring a treatment program. Residential or outpatient alcohol or drug rehabilitation programs may be used to rehabilitate the DWI offender rather than jail time. An experienced San Antonio DWI attorney can often recognize when his or her client needs such a program, and petition the courts to seek this option.
Treating any alcohol problems you may have can be the best way not only to help your criminal case but also be the beginning of a more fruitful and enjoyable life and career. Alcohol problems frequently also cause problems with family life, so dealing with these issues may also solve family issues and improve your relationships with your spouse and children.
Sober Living House
A sober living house is another arrangement that may be enforced for a person with an alcohol dependency problem. All persons living in the house must stay sober and complete a 12 step alcohol treatment program.
What can I do about my conviction?
It is always a good idea to research, and hire and an experienced San Antonio DWI attorney. Don’t base your decision solely on an advertisement. Do your homework. Meet with the attorney you are considering in person. That is why we offer a free initial consultation. The consequences of a driving while intoxicated conviction are numerous and serious. Put an experienced San Antonio DWI lawyer on your side. Protect your rights, your freedom, and your future. Call us to day for a free and confidential consultation at The Law Offices of Carabin & Shaw .