Driver’s License Suspension
Driver’s License Suspension after a DWI: San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Laredo Texas.
Don’t face a DWI charge without an experienced lawyer.
Hire an experienced driving while intoxicated lawyer quickly.
Drivers charged with a DWI offense are likely to get their license suspended. License suspension can greatly impact your life. Things like driving to work, school or the doctor’s office can no longer be done. There may not have been just cause to suspend your license. Contact a San Antonio DWI lawyer right away to work on getting your license reinstated. Oftentimes, a limited license can be issued which allows you to travel between work or school and home. It is important to act quickly with a DWI charge. Most states have time limits on when the case can be heard in order to reverse or prevent the automatic suspension.
License suspension and revocation is done through the Department of Motor Vehicles (in Texas the Dept. of Public Safety). This is a separate case from the criminal case. Length of suspension and whether or not a provisional license can be awarded will depend largely upon whether the defendant is a first time offender. It is important to present your case in the best light possible. A skilled DWI attorney will know which questions to ask and where to look for the appropriate answers.
Do not assume you can’t get your license back. DWI laws are highly specialized. Your San Antonio DWI attorney can determine if your rights may have been violated and how to possibly remove the DWI charge from your record. Take advantage of our free consultation today and see if our law firm is right for you. Call The Law Offices of Carabin & Shaw to schedule an appointment.
The consequences of a driving while intoxicated conviction are numerous and serious. License suspension and/or revocation can have a major impact on your quality of life. Put an experienced San Antonio DWI lawyer on your side. Protect your rights, your freedom, and your future.