Increased Insurance Rates
Increased Insurance Rates After a DWI: San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Laredo Texas
One of the many costs of a driving while intoxicated conviction
Hire an experienced DWI Lawyer.
Insurance companies are notorious for raising premiums for even minor traffic accidents. In the case of DWI charges, insurance companies have been known drop coverage of those convicted altogether. If you are fortunate enough to keep your insurance carrier, your rates will likely increase significantly. Many people fighting their DWI charge are confused about what to tell their insurance carrier. It is best to speak with a lawyer skilled in San Antonio DWI defense about what to do in this case.
It is important to remember that in the US Justice System you are innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, it is best not to mention a pending DWI case to an insurance company, and especially not before speaking to a San Antonio DWI defense lawyer about your rights. It is always a good idea to research, and hire an experienced attorney. Don’t base your decision solely on an advertisement. Meet with the attorney you are considering in person. That is why most offer a free initial consultation. Bring the evidence against you to the meeting and be ready to ask questions. Call us today for your free and confidential consultation The Law Offices of Carabin & Shaw .
The consequences of a driving while intoxicated conviction are numerous and serious. You could be forced to pay drastically higher rates for insurance than before. Increased rates could last for years costing you thousands of dollars. Put an experienced San Antonio DWI lawyer on your side. Protect your rights, your freedom, and your future.